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Thursday 14 January 2016

Moringa Oleifera (Shajan in Hindi & Drumsticks in English), a Powerhouse of Neutrients

Drumsticks, also know as Moringa Oleifera, are most popular tree in world & is often referred to as the Miracle tree due to high level of Nutritional content & valuable health benefits. All parts of drumstick like leaves,pods,fruits & seeds have amazingly high concentration of Vitamins,Minerals, Amino acids (Proteins) & antioxidants making it a healthy food .It has been estimated that fresh leaves of this plant contains:
  • 4 time the Vitamin A of Carrots.
  • 6  time the VitaminC of Oranges.
  • 5 time the Vitamin A of  Milk.
  • 3 time the Vitamin A of  Bananas.
  • 2 time the Vitamin A of Yogurt.
  • Also rich in  Iron.    
Hence Moringa tree could virtually wipe out malnutrition & it may be best option for countries who have highest rate of malnutrition. In the present world food crisis,the use of this tree is critical to improve nutritional levels in under-developed countries.
Botanical Name       : Moringa Oleifera

Family                       :  Moringaceae

Hindi Name             :  Shajan

Nutritional Contents :Vitamin B,Vitamin C,Vitamin A (beta-carotene),Vitamin K,Calcium,Potassium,Iron,Manganese & Protein.

Amount of Nutritional Contents in each 100 gm of  Moringa given as:




Basic Compound


60 kcal

35 kcal


10.12 g

8.53 g


8.6 g

2.2 g


1.5 g

0.20 g


2.8 g

3.8 g


Vitamin A

362 μg

4 μg

Vitamin B1(Thiamin)

0.239 mg

0.05 mg

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)

0.58 mg

0.074 mg

Vitamin B3 (Nicotinic Acid)

2.2 mg

0.62 mg

Vitamin B6

1.0 mg

0.10 mg

Vitamin B9(Folate)

33  μg

30  μg

Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)

77 mg

123 mg



220 mg

35 mg


2.8 mg

1.0 mg


5.0 mg

1.3 mg


240 mg

390 mg


120 mg

106 mg


105 mg

35 mg


150 mg

70 mg


0.6 mg

4.0 mg

Benefits of  Moringa Oleifera:

For Strong Bones : It help in healthy & strong bones due to high content of calcium,iron & other vitamins.Consuming of Drumstick on regular basis,it is found to raise the bone density and increase bone health in kids.

Blood Purifiers : Drumstick leaves particularly are also believed  to purify the blood.

Pregnancy & Lactation : Pregnant woman can use it as tonic on regular basis due to containing of high concentration of calcium,iron & vitamins.During pregnancy it help in eases pre & post delivering complications.It also boosting the breast milk production after delivery.

Protection Against Infections : Its flower & leaves contain  antibacterial agent that protect to us from wide range of infection such as throat,chest & skin infection. Moringa also boosting the our immune System because they contain essential amount of vitamin C. 

Enhance Sexual Health : Presence of Zinc is found to enhance the process of Spermatogenesis  that help in curing impotency,premature ejaculation & thinning of seamen. It also play a important role in female sterility.  

Reduce in Blood Sugar level & make Gall Bladder Health : Drumstick leaves significantly reduce the blood glucose levels by enhance Gall Bladder function.

Help in Digestion: Its leaves & pods are loaded with in B-complex Vitamins which is act as co-enzyme in metabolism of carbohydrates,proteins & Fats.

Help in Respiratory Problems: Drinking a cup of drumstick soup,relives in suffering of soar throat,cough or congestion by flushing out your toxic load in lungs due to smoking cigarettes   or air pollution. It act as an effective natural remedy to fight against lung diseases such as asthma,bronchitis & tuberculosis.

Antioxidant: It is rich source of Vitamin A which is one of the antioxidant offering several benefits,including mucus membrane repair,maintenance of skin integrity,vision & immunity.

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